Intro to Chemistry

1)  Chemical changes through chemistry can be seen in our daily lives. (For example, a piece of bread turning to mold, or milk turning souring.) Its very interesting that basic everyday things around us are causing chemical reactions,

2) I found it very impressive that they are more than five types of chemistry including, physical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, and biochemistry. This opens my eyes to how large the world of chemistry is.

  • Organic chemistry- is the study of chemicals containing carbon. 
  • inorganic chemistry- the branch of chemistry that deals with inorganic compounds.
  • Biochemistry- is the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms. 
  • physical chemistry- the branch of chemistry concerned with the application of the techniques and theories of physics to the study of chemical systems.
  • analytical chemistry- studies and uses instruments and methods used to separate, identify, and quantify matter. 

3) Batteries create a major chemical reaction. "The general principle behind these reactions is the release of electrons that can then flow through a circuit, producing an electrical current."-ck12 

4) I found it very interesting to find out who created such important things through chemical reactions. For example, " Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) pioneered the use of heat sterilization to eliminate unwanted microorganisms in wine and milk.  Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) invented dynamite."- ck12 without these critical inventions society would appear a lot different. 

5)   By mixing fuel and using air jet fuel can propel rockets thousands of feet within the air. This is very interesting to me because this is how man made is way to the moon.


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