Dimensional Analysis

Dimensional Analysis- is a problem-solving method that uses the fact that any number or expression can be multiplied by one without changing its value.

Five factors are used during dimensional Analysis:
  • Time 
  • Mass
  • Length
  • Temperature
  •  Electrical Current

Units of the following:
1) The unit for Time- Second

2) Unit for Temperature- Kelvin

3)Unit for Length- Meter

4) Unit for Mass- Kilogram

5) Unit for Electrical Current- Ampere

Famous scientist G.I Taylor uses Dimensional Analysis to estimate the size of the atom bomb
      -Taylor came to the understanding that the bomb was around 20 kilotons

  • In other words as stated in the video, the bomb could compare to around 20,000 tons of TNT 

Through this video i learned 5 things
  1.  What dimensional analysis means and how to use it. 
  2.  The five factors used in dimensional analysis.
  3.  The standard units for these factors.
  4.  The physicist G.I Taylor, that estimated the size of the bomb.
  5.  How large the atom bomb really was. 


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